
Showing posts from April, 2022

Cosmetic Dentistry

  THE SMILE MAKEOVER PROCESS Transform your smile with a smile makeover. Cosmetic dentistry is not just about aesthetics! It is also about the health of your teeth and gums and ultimately it is about restoring your smile and your self-confidence. CONSULTATION & EXAMINATION The first stage of the smile makeover involves sitting down with the cosmetic dentist for a consultation. During the consultation, an X-ray or photos may be taken so that the dentist can have a greater understanding of your specific requirements and treatment expectations. A physical examination will be needed to look for areas of concern or deterioration and to prepare a detailed treatment plan and comprehensive costing schedule. Next, a professional scale and polish is performed before impressions are taken of your teeth for a ‘wax up’ model of your existing teeth. TREATMENT PLAN At your return visit, your dentist will sit with you and present your wax mock up. This model is a representation of wha